
Wednesday 6 October 2010

"Change is inevitable but progress is not."

A business guru once said that "Change is inevitable but progress is not." For instance the Romans converting all of Europe to Christianity or the Tories winning the last election are examples of change but you would never describe them as progress. But when we ditch Christianity and the Tories are replaced, that will certainly be progress.

What made me think of this was the news that Amy Winehouse has returned. She recently played a secret gig in London and was remarked upon as looking completely sober and in general far more together than she had in years. Anyone who has actually listened to Amy's two albums, Frank and Back to Black, cannot deny she is a genius and one with an amazing voice. Unless of course your one of those superficial idiots who would rather judge her appearance than her ability. The point I'm making is that this is an example of change that is also progress which is essential if change is to be worthwhile.

An example of change which is harder to judge is the Labour party's election of Ed Milliband to be party leader. A move which has been described as 'abandoning the centre', much in the way the Tories did in 1997, returning to a more traditional ideological outlook for Labour on the Left of the political spectrum. It was predictable that the party would choose Ed, tired of Blairs legacy a resurgence of Old Labour was only natural and Ed the natural candidate in such a scenario. However in my opinion such a move is a mistake, the boring overly left wing Ed will never win the next election where as the youthful and ideologically central David Milliband would have had a chance. Labour has made a change but it will not progress them towards victory in 2014.

On a slightly different note, I've made a Facebook group for this blog so if your not already a member join up to get updates and links regarding Royal Thinking. As always I hope you enjoyed reading it and wish you all the best of luck in achieving your own change and progress. But do remember:

Be casual. Be happy.

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