
Monday 22 February 2010

"she's just so pretentious..."

Haha. It's always funny isn't it? Don't they realise their talking about themselves? Ok, so let me explain a little. Today I was walking along when I happened to overhear this fascinating little comment "she's just so pretentious... wearing that fur coat" bitchy huh? Not that this person isn't right, not judging that, no what amused me was that they were calling someone else pretentious.
For those who don't know "pretentious" means it is essentially demanding unwarranted or undeserved attention, being a bit of a show off. So what was funny was the behaviour they found so annoying was exactly the kind of behaviour others noticed in them.
We all do it though. Often what we dislike in others is exactly the characteristic others dislike in us. So its simple, if you don't like something in someone make sure you aren't doing it either. If you find self examination hard ask your best friend to tell you the hard truth. What's annoying about you.

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