
Wednesday 7 April 2010

oh dear oh dear....

Yes. I know its been 38 days since my last blog. So what I let things slide a bit? Well this isn't really a revival if the truth be known. All it is is making sure the gap between blog posts doesn't get any "stupider". So whats new? Well on the not good side of things there's been too many earthquakes Haiti the obvious one and more recently ( Russia has suffered two sets of suicide bombings which the reasons for are too complicated to go into now but its to do with Chechnya if your interested. And perhaps most ominously of all 75 policemen where killed in India by Maoists. So the world seems to be in its usual state of doom of gloom.
However there are rays of sunshine Obama as passed the Healthcare Bill even if its not exactly what he wanted, over 90% of Americans now have healthcare and over the next ten years it will a whopping 1 TRILLION dollars. And it seems that worldwide and in Britain in particular the economy is recovering; the construction industry has grown for the first time in two years.
So that's an amazingly undetailed and incomplete summary of recent events. But thats all you get for now (whoever is actually reading this). I am off to have pizza and get dragged round shops by my charming friends.
So despite the doom and gloom.Be casual. Be happy.

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