
Saturday 22 January 2011

What to know some interesting things?

No one ever accused be of being a dedicated blog writer... Still I figured there had been a sufficient gap. Today I've got some things I thought were worth mentioning but nothing in excruciating detail. So read on my friend and broaden your horizons. 

One hot topic in the UK at the moment seems to be the issue of "Islamophobia", for a detailed overview see this article here. This is a tricky one. Most of us would be uncomfortable with the label of "racist" but at the same time be quite comfortable with a healthy disdain of Islam. Personally I don't have any time for religion but Islam in particular can be accused of holding onto some very medieval nations, especially in the UK. (The US fanatical Christianity is no better.) However the problem that Baroness Warsi identifies is slippage. How easy is it to go from criticising Islam to simply being racist? So bear in mind the difference. It's easy to speak in ignorance in these matters.

On a much lighter note I'd have to recommend Kayne West's new song. "Runaway" is quite haunting but also has some excellent lyrics.

"lets have a toast for the douchebags, lets have a toast for the arseholes, lets have a toast for the scumbags everyone I know, lets have a toast for the jerkoffs who never take a day off..."

He has also unleashed a new 30 minute long music video! Perhaps the age of the musical is making a come back? Check out the immense video just below.

If you watched it, not bad huh? Not to everyone tastes of course but interesting none the less.Must have cost an absolute fortune to make as well. Still it's certainly a piece of art in its own right.

Southern Ireland continues to collapse, which has certain amount of ironic justice attached to it. Governing a country isn't as easy as it looks is it?(Apologies my Irish friends for that little dig, its only half serious.) Find out more about the latest here. 

Ah Tony Blair. Despite all the evidence he remains as self righteous as ever. The Chilcot Inquiries attempts to condemn him are being resisted by that all to familiar egoistical confidence. Still listening to him its easy to remember why he was so well loved up till the war. The old passion and belief in his own vision is still there. Learn more about his answers here.

That's it for today. Hope that was an enjoyable read. May 2011 be an excellent year for us all. 

Be casual. Be happy.

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