
Tuesday 26 January 2010

All you need is a bag of weed

In my opinion all drugs should be legalised, taxed and made available to all of us. However the wholesale legalisation of drugs soon becomes a messy battle of statistics and morality.
Instead let us look specifically at weed. Or Marijuana if you want to be fussy. More than a few of us have had a joint at some point in our lives, we either liked it or we didn't but it certainly didn't do us any harm. Quite the reverse, we were relaxed if a little hungry.
Despite the obvious plus side many people still get all worked up about weed, associating it in their minds with overdosing and life destroying addiction currently more common with other drugs. Lets look at the statistics, specifically the annual amount of deaths from drugs in the US, a country which has a particular problem with drugs:
TOBACCO ........................ 400,000
ALCOHOL ........................ 100,000
ALL LEGAL DRUGS .............20,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ..........15,000
CAFFEINE .........................2,000
ASPIRIN ...........................500
MARIJUANA ...................... 0
Source: United States government...
National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Bureau of Mortality Statistics
Notice that big fat 0? Thats right nobody died from weed. More died from coffee and aspirin. But you don't see them being banned do you?
I know that for many of you I am preaching to the converted but for those of you who uniformed views about Marijuana look at the facts and chill the hell out, ideally with the help of a friendly joint.
Be casual. Be happy.
(P.S. Relevant song you may find amusing

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