
Thursday 21 January 2010

Being casual

Today's topic is chilling. Being laid back. And, in general, not being an absolute mental. What inspires this train of thought, beyond it being a life philosophy, is a story I recently heard about John McCain.
For the truly ignorant among you McCain was the Republican nominee for President against Barack Obama last year. Obviously he was beaten and now his Holiness Obama has the top job. Part of his campaign for Presidency was his staunch opposition to gay marriage. However it has become blatantly obvious his own family seriously disagrees with him, his own daughter is gay and wishes to marry and his wife recently appeared in a campaign to remove the ban on same sex marriage in California.
A question that springs to mind is: why can't McCain let it go? Why does it matter? Does it make any difference to anyone? Of course not but McCain and people like him worldwide insist on opposing it and getting all worked up for no reason. Instead of allowing everyone to be happy they would rather cause confrontation and discontent.
Doubtless this divide in opinion causes no small amount of family argument. But instead of supporting his daughter or simply letting her and other gays across America get on with there lives he insists on vigorously opposing same sex marriage.
So if McCain would just relax if everyone could be a little more casual about others choices wouldn't we all get on much better without trying to intrude in peoples preferences or interrupt the flow of life? The same can naturally be applied to virtually everything. From relationships to your choice of cake (an incredibly serious issue) being casual helps everyone.
So be casual. Be happy.

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