
Thursday 4 February 2010


Hate. Joined by its binary opposition Love as one of the most powerful emotions and forces on the planet. True hate is perhaps beyond the comprehension of the average person, what can we possibly experience to produce such an overpowering feeling?
However its most common form is far easier to access, random hate. Hate for no definable reason is present everywhere. We all experience it, the person you randomly dislike for no reason, the social outcast who has no friends for no reason and then the even more unpleasant aspects of hate.
For those of you who have not seen it Mississippi Burning is one of the most harrowing examinations of evil of extraordinary hate. Driven by fear, ignorance and an all too human level of primal savagery the members of the Klu Klux Klan hang, burn and rape black person after black person with no justification and no provocation. It seems horrifying to a modern western audience but such events find their roots in the casual hatred of everyday social life.
Educate yourself above this horrible emotion. Deny it. Do not hate, merely decide tolerate the object your distaste or better still learn to like them if possible.
Most emotions have there place but is never a good thing. It can be excused, even reasonably explained however eventually it only damages the person who feels it. For while the axe that chops down a tree seems unharmed every tree it hacks makes it all the duller and reduces it's worth.
It's like Yoda said "hate leads to suffering" so stay casual, stay happy.

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