
Tuesday 8 June 2010

I'd even talk about politics to avoid revising...

Cringe Britain!!
Today the British press continued in a seemingly never ending stream of bad news and
fear-mongering as the Times quoted a leading credit agency as saying Britain faced a "formidable challenge to repair its battered finances, as George Osborne prepared to launch a “once-in-a-generation” drive to tackle government spending. Well thanks a lot Fitch ratings agency you've caused the pound to fall yet again.

Wow. Just as well they told since none of us knew that there been a recession and we'd borrowed a load of money....But on the plus side it seems the Conservatives have stopped being so low key about how hard this will all be for them. Yeah I know. What a ridiculous idea. "once in a generation" indeed.

On the bright side of things Apple has announced another iPhone. Which is actually another non-surprise since this newest iPhone, the originally named 4G, has been popping up just about everywhere. How many times can you leave a top secret prototype in a cafe? It's not like there confidential files on the whole British nation on a government....

Almost got ranty there, gotta be careful. Well on a lighter note did you know that an ostriches eye is bigger than its brain? There's a fact you were perfectly happy not knowing. Oh well.

Be casual. Be happy.

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